Monday, September 14, 2009

I have decided to remove the Neocon Express Link to Little Green Footballs

I am really saddened by it because I have admired Charles Johnson's work for a good number of years. For some reason, he has simply fallen off the deep end, spending almost all of his time beating up on anti-Jihadists, and looking for every fringe conservative that he can find to ridicule.

I have a tremendous tolerance for opposing views, I even link to the Huff Post and Kos, in the "left-wing blogs" category. As for Charles Johnson? I wouldn't know where to put him. Hopefully, he will find his core and come back to us some day. As for now, he seems a confused and lost soul.

1 comment:

  1. You are not alone. Chas has become a complete atheist jackass, incapable of free thinking. It's sad really. At one point he was on deck for greatness on the internet. You have to wonder , just what possess people to turn against truth and vision when it's within their grasp.


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